Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Moose & A Trip to the Moon

This morning we got up and had the free complimentary breakfast =] (yes, I enjoy free breakfasts) We then headed out to the Grand Tetons. It was still quite hazy outside due to probably the Forrest fires and heat, so the Tetons were a bit hard to see.


As we drove along to the first visitors centre we noticed a large crowd of people huddling along the side of a bridge, normally we just ignore the gaggle and be on our way, but we decided to stop and see what kind of animal everyone was gawking at. (You can bet it's always an animal out in the national parks, normally a bison in these parts) Luckily it wasn't a bison, it was two MOOSE!! I've been waiting to see a moose since forever, and there were not one, but two moose! So I'm glad that we stopped to see what was there =]

After all the moose commotion, we headed over to Jenny Lake to snap a couple of pictures of the Tetons and the lake. We then headed out to The Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho.
A Brief History for Craters of The Moon
Craters of the Moon is a vast ocean of lava flows with scattered islands of cinder cones and sagebrush. Craters of the moon is only considered a national monument but actually spans a great area. I think its being moved to be changed to a National Parks status.
Craters was interesting, they only had built a small scenic road for visitors but it gave you a pretty good view of the overall terrain in the area. We decided to climb what's called a cone, but was more life a large hill. From the top it was really windy and not much of a view. Overall it was a decent place, a bit out of the way, but it was interesting to see something like it in the middle of Idaho.

On a really random side note, while we were driving through an area, I swear it smelled like potatoes. It was so weird and random. For those of you who don't know, Idaho grows a lot of potatoes.

National Parks Count:
1. Zion National Park
2. Bryce Canyon National Park
3. Capitol Reef National Park
4. Yellowstone National Park
5. Grand Tetons National Park
6. Crater's of the Moon National Monument

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